My Water


Do you know how much water is in you? An adult male has 60% water in his body while an adult female's body is composed of 50% water. Most all your organs have water. Here is a diagram of your "watery" organs.



  • It is part of my body chemical composition (to transform carbohydrates to glucose)
  • It forms a portion of my tissues
  • It acts as a solvent in body-fluids (blood)
  • It important for digestion, assimilation of food (to get energy)
  • It helps to remove waste from my body (bowels, urination, and perspiration, processing by liver)
  • It keeps my body fit
  • It regulates my body temperature
  • It serves as a lubricant (protects my joints and organs)
  • It alleviates constipation
  • It provides a balance in my body
  • It forms the base for saliva
  • It regulates metabolism
  • It is a medium for electrolytes and other ions in my body
  • It helps to transport oxygen to my cells
If my body is 2% dehydrated, my physical and mental functions will seriously degrade (I will experience chronic pains in my joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches and constipation)

If my body is 15% dehydrated, it could likely be lethal!

How much water do I need to drink?
I just divide my body weight (in pounds) in half. This gives the number of ounces of water per day that I need to drink.
 For example, I weigh 120 pounds, so I should drink at least 60 ounces of water per day. 

Use this water intake calculator


 Saving water starts with me.....

At Home
  1. Take shorter showers.
  2. Turn off the shower while lathering soap
  3. Turn off the tap when brushing my teeth or washing my face.
  4. Water plants with water that has been used to wash vegetables.
  5. Wash my family's car with water in pails and not from a hose connected to a tap.
  6. Use the washing machine with a full load.
  7. Remind my father to repair dripping faucets.
  8. Water the lawn early in the morning or late evening.
  9. Use a broom to clean driveway, not flushing the rubbish with water.
  10. Use a watering can to water plants.  
  11. Fill the sink to wash dishes.